Wednesday 6 March 2013


Posted by No Filter Post on 06:50 with No comments
I have always realized government and government employee are just useless, they are made to help people but they always create trouble . I hate this word government nonsense peoples. the whole system is worst , everyone work after getting some bribe and everyone knows about it if you are ready to give bribe then you can do anything but if you are not nobody cares you and you can't do anything .
The very popular theory is doing a crime is bad but tolerating crime is baddest , but for a common man how it is possible if he refuse to give bribe or starts opposing something then they will punish him because they have power and in this case who will help him no one ... so what if you can afford to give bribe then give else don't see any dream.
I have seen on Facebook their are number of pages who talks about society , country, charity for what only for like and comment and after that when they got enough likes on that feels proud and also feel like only they are right. most funny thing i have seen that  many page admin have uploaded image of india and pakistan flags and written as like for india comment for pakistan hehehe now they will decide by his likes and comment which country is better totally sick . yes at the very beginning you could find it great but it is actually  silliness . but this is shortcut for popularity and i'm not opposing it but after doing such stuff they should not called himself a true patriot because thy are just using his nation for popularity thats it .
 I want to say everyone only thinks about himself only but some shows it and some don't . my concept is for me I am the most important and nothing else is important .


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