Tuesday, 19 February 2013

What can i do to develop India?

Posted by No Filter Post on 22:17 with No comments
1. Teach your son(and all male kids that you have an influence over) to respect women. 
2. Vote.     A large majority of India's urban youth are disillusioned with politics and don't vote. If you want a change be the harbinger of that change. Don't just sit at home and complain. 
3. Read the newspaper(a real one, like the Hindu maybe). Keep abreast with the news. 
4. Stop watching only cricket and try out something else. There are thousands of athletes out there in India playing their hearts out hoping someone would notice them.
5. Stop taking things for granted. You deserve better from the government you voted to power. It is your duty to point out the things you want changed. 
6. Don't pay bribes.  Next time somebody asks you for a bribe don't pay it, however much inconvenience it is going to cause. 
7. Switch off all electrical appliances before you leave the house. 
8. Control your road rage. Don't honk too much on the roads. 
9. Let your kids choose their lives careers and life partners. They don't owe you anything. 
10. Tolerate all religions. Stop believing in the caste system. 
11. Spend more money. Go on more holidays. You will be a happier person and you will help the economy grow. 
12. Do something physical. Indians are notorious for being inactive. Go out, play, jump off an airplane, scuba dive. Do anything. 
13. Stop peeing anywhere and everywhere.the next generation is watching and learning(my answer is for both men and women, so I'm keeping this. ). 
14. Pay your taxes on time. 
15. Teach the less privileged. Join an NGO that teaches kids, elders or anybody without access to schools. That is much more beneficial than droppings cheque to satisfy your conscience. 
16. Keep your roads clean, dispose your garbage properly, stop spitting on the roads. 

There are a hundred other things I've not mentioned. But ultimately unless you are a politici


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